MORTARPLAST is a liquid mortar admixture replaces lime in the mix, entrains microscopic air bubbles which make mortar easier to work and spread.
Usage Areas
Brickwork and blockwork mortar. Cement sand renders and plasters.
Technical Specs
Colour : Liquid brownDensity : 1,05 kg/ltChloride : Max %0,1Ph : 9 – 10,5Freezing Point : -8°C
Better adhesionHigher strengthsEasier and faster to spread mortar,Economical cuts labour costs; less material used; less waste; cieaner and safer than lime,Reduces bleed and segregation of mortar,Helps to reduce efflorescence,Reduces cracking,Improved fcosl resistance,Presents no storage problems.
Mortar admixture may be pre-mixed in a water storage tank or poured into the mixing drum at the same time as the gauging water. MORTARPLAST is added at the rate of 150-250 gr per 50 kg cement. It is added at the rate of 1,5 kg per 200 kg drum of water. Test mixes should be made to determine the optimum dosage for prevailing conditions.
Cleaning Of The Tools
The cleaning of the tools is accomplished with water just after the usage but mechanically after it dried.
% 0,1-0,5 of cement weight.
Net 5 kgNet 20 kgNet 30 kg plastic drums
Storage and Shelf Life
Unlimited shelf life if stored in a cool and dry place.
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